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Editing skin Operamini 4.2
Skin is composed of Opera Mini
4.2 is in the picture color
s.png. 102x22 pixel sized
images and is in the jar file.

A-line with the coordinates of
0:0 to 0:19 is the major skin
B-form area of ​​the box with the
coordinates of 1:0 to 41:19 is
the icon in the upper right
C-box area with the coordinates
of 42:19 until 61:19 is a
shortcut icon in the middle of
the bottom of the front page.
D-box area with the coordinates
of 62:19 to 81:19 is the icon
that appears when entered into
secure sites such as
E-box area with the coordinates
82:19 to 101:19 is the icon that
appears when synchronizing
F-line with a variety of colors to
coordinate warna2 0:21 till
46:21 is making up skin.
Specification for section F:
0 - The color of the words "Mini"
in the title bar.
1 - writing Colors "Menu" Soft
key left
2 - Not known
3 - Color outermost Menu boxes
4 - The color of the menu
5 - The line on either side of the
menu box
6 - Under the menu background
color, with the number 4
produces the gradient effect.
7 & 8 - Color background cursor
9 to 15 - Not known
16 - Scroll Bar Color box
17, 18, 19 & 20 - Color Scroll Bar,
the color gradient can be
21, 22, 23 & 24 - Color Scroll Bar
25 - The color of the small box
in the pop-up shortcut.
26 - The line in the top menu bar
27 - The color of the fonts in a
little box pop-up shortcut.
28 - The color of the font
29 & 30 - Loading Bar
31 - Colors Fonts Shortcut main
32, 33 & 34 - garis2 constituent
Loading Bar.
35 - Not known
36 - Not known
37 - Font Color Writing "Opera"
in the title bar
38 & 39 - background color of
progress bar.
40 - Background Color pop-up
42 - The color of the words
"Opera Community" in the pop-
up shortcut
43 - Unknown
44 - Not known
45 - Not known
46 - Unknown
To edit the image designer,
and then pack again opmini
pack Jarboom later installed. If
you have previously installed
lived overwrite wrote her jar
file to a folder system /
MIDlets /.
